Are yours “Belle Infidèle” Translations?

In France, in the seventeenth century, the trend was to perform translations that were known as “belle infidèle” translations. In that time, the classical texts were considered to be outdated for the taste of the time, so they were freely… Continue Reading


How to Cut Translation Costs in Software Development

I have worked for six software firms and in all of them the complaint was always the same: the high cost involved in translating the application and related documentation. And they were right, if a company needs to translate its… Continue Reading


A Nice Customer Experience!

I sometimes read posts from colleagues who warn us of translation agencies that fail to comply with payment obligations. These warnings are of course welcome and very useful for identifying those potential customers that make such bad practices. However, the… Continue Reading


Documentalists vs Technical Writers

I have worked for several Spanish software companies and one thing that always attracted my attention was that every time they needed to hire technical writers, the main recruitment criterion was to select people with a university degree in Biblioteconomía… Continue Reading